!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! + ! Control Points for Wurtsboro, New York, USA + ! + ! ILEC SN10 PC-database-file, version 4 + ! + ! Region 2 North, 2022 + ! + ! Contributed by Roman Michalowski + ! Contribution date was 10 May 2022 + ! File created Thursday, 12 May 2022 at 22:49 GMT + ! + ! Available from the Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange at + ! http://soaringweb.org/TP + ! or http://soaring.guenther-eichhorn.com/TP + ! or http://soaring.geichhorn.com/TP + ! or http://serkowski.com/soaring/TP + ! or http://soaring.silentflight.ca/TP + ! + ! Version 2022 + ! + ! Time zone: US/Eastern + ! Summer offset from GMT is -4:00, and in Winter it is -5:00 + ! + ! UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + ! + ! Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + ! + ! Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + ! information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + ! expressed or implied. + ! User assumes all risk of use. + ! + !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ V NADLERNAV4 H " Wurtsboro File 12May22Waypoints10May22RomanMichalowski" , Timezone -4:00 , Magvar 12 , Home "03Wrtsb" P "01Start", 41:35:39 N , 74:26:23 W , 1385F , S , U , " Start N82" P "02Finsh", 41:35:53 N , 74:27:33 W , 548F , LF , N82 , " Finish N82, 122.8 23/05 CT22.8 N82 09/27 150W" P "03Wrtsb", 41:35:53 N , 74:27:33 W , 548F , LFST , N82 , " Wurtsboro N82, 23/05 +122.8 CT22.8 N82" P "04Arflx", 41:00:30 N , 74:44:16 W , 583F , ATL , 12N , "Aeroflex-Andover12N, 03/21 +122.8, Fuel: +100LL CT22.8" P "05Arhvn", 41:49:57 N , 73:52:33 W , 450F , ATL , 09N , " Airhaven 09N, 02/20 122.9 CT22.9 09N 02/20 75W" P "06Ashkn", 41:57:04 N , 74:12:30 W , 590F , T , U , " Ashokan Bridge Bridge at +middle of +Reservoir" P "07BetsM", 41:32:51 N , 74:44:35 W , 1280F , T , U , " Beats Me" P "08Bgndn", 42:06:11 N , 74:26:39 W , 1212F , T , U , " Big Indian" P "09Blrst", 40:58:16 N , 74:59:51 W , 372F , ATL , 1N7 , " Blairstown 1N7, 07/25 +123.0, Fuel: +100LL CT23.0" P "10Boehm", 41:26:35 N , 75:00:29 W , 1330F , ATL , 2PA1 , " Boehm 2PA1, NE/SW PVT 2PA1 NE/SW 50W" P "11Camps", 41:41:57 N , 75:00:04 W , 1200F , LT , U , " Campis 7NY0, 01/19 PVT 35W" P "12CldSp", 41:42:32 N , 75:17:17 W , 1400F , ATL , 7PA3 , " Cold Spring 7PA3, 18/36, +Fuel: 100LL PVT 7PA3" P "13Colmb", 42:17:28 N , 73:42:37 W , 198F , ATL , 1B1 , " Columbia 1B1, 123.05, +03/21, Fuel: 100 CT23.05 1B1" P "14Comhm", 41:40:57 N , 74:31:36 W , 1073F , T , U , " Comehome" P "15DlwrW", 40:59:00 N , 75:08:25 W , 299F , T , U , "DelawareWaterGap" P "16Dngmn", 41:13:12 N , 74:51:33 W , 375F , T , U , "Dingman's Ferry" P "17Dwnsv", 42:03:14 N , 75:00:47 W , 1087F , T , U , " Downsville crops" P "18Dustr", 41:20:12 N , 74:24:50 W , 480F , LT , U , " Duster 122.8, 03/21 PVT 122.8 100W" P "19Ellnv", 41:43:40 N , 74:22:38 W , 292F , ATL , N89 , " Ellenville N89, 04/22 +122.8, Fuel: +100LL CT22.8" P "20Frhld", 42:21:51 N , 74:03:57 W , 440F , ATL , 1I5 , " Freehold 1I5, 12/30 CT22.85 1I5 12/30 22W" P "21Grtrd", 41:41:40 N , 74:14:55 W , 1689F , T , U , "Gertrude's Nose" P "22Grhms", 41:51:14 N , 74:33:21 W , 1015F , T , U , "GrahamsvilleFair" P "23Grncr", 42:08:55 N , 73:45:03 W , 297F , ATL , 1A1 , " Green Acres 1A1, 03/21, +122.9 PVT CT22.9" P "24Hcktt", 40:49:13 N , 74:51:19 W , 670F , ATL , N05 , " Hackettstown N05, 05/23 +122.9, Fuel: +100LL CT22.9" P "25HrmnR", 40:43:48 N , 75:06:16 W , 750F , T , U , "HarmonyReservoir" P "26Hrrmn", 41:18:50 N , 74:07:06 W , 449F , T , U , " Harriman" P "27HwkMt", 40:38:35 N , 76:00:01 W , 1119F , T , U , " Hawk Mountain" P "28Hiwth", 41:54:54 N , 75:21:52 W , 1670F , ATL , 4PA6 , " Hiawatha 4PA6, 03/21 +3100X100 PVT 4PA6" P "29HrsFr", 41:24:30 N , 74:38:16 W , 466F , T , U , " Horse Farm possible +emergency +outlanding, +watch for" P "30HntrM", 42:14:04 N , 74:14:16 W , 2000F , T , U , "Hunter Mountain" P "31Kllch", 41:31:22 N , 75:23:46 W , 1430F , ATL , PA54 , " Kellachows PA54, 01/19 PVT PA54 01/19 100W" P "32Kngst", 41:59:07 N , 73:57:50 W , 147F , ATL , 20N , " Kingston 20N, 15/33 +122.8, Fuel: +100LL CT22.8" P "33Koblt", 41:37:28 N , 74:08:30 W , 420F , ATL , N45 , " Kobelt N45, 03/21 +122.8, Fuel: +100LL CT22.8" P "34LwsLn", 41:24:24 N , 74:32:01 W , 880F , ATL , NK79 , " Lewis Landing NK79, 08/26 PVT NK79 08/26 50W" P "35Librt", 41:48:12 N , 74:44:01 W , 1421F , T , U , " Liberty" P "36Mddlt", 41:25:53 N , 74:23:38 W , 523F , ATL , 06N , " Middletown 06N, 26/08 +122.8, Fuel: +100LL CT22.8" P "37Mllbr", 41:03:47 N , 74:57:20 W , 1445F , T , U , " Millbrook Power-lines +crossing the +ridge" P "38MnrdF", 41:42:30 N , 74:03:42 W , 449F , T , U , " Minard Farms Old Airport NOT+Landable: crops" P "39MhnkT", 41:45:49 N , 74:09:22 W , 1545F , T , U , " Mohonk Tower Stone tower +above Mohonk +Lake" P "40MngpP", 41:57:43 N , 74:41:14 W , 2145F , T , U , " Mongaup Pond" P "41Mnmnt", 41:19:16 N , 74:39:42 W , 1805F , T , U , " Monument High point +monument" P "42MtnBa", 41:22:48 N , 75:13:57 W , 1500F , ATL , PA49 , " Mountain Bay PA49, 122.7 +12/30, Fuel: +100LL/80, RW +markings show" P "43Myer ", 41:20:49 N , 74:55:05 W , 1345F , LT , U , " Myer 6PA0, N/S, RW +width marginal +in places PVT" P "44Neeb ", 40:52:50 N , 75:38:07 W , 914F , T , U , " Neeb" P "45OrngC", 41:30:36 N , 74:15:50 W , 364F , ATL , MGJ , " Orange County MGJ, 03/21 +122.725, Fuel: +100LL CT22.725" P "46Otsvl", 41:29:45 N , 74:31:47 W , 1324F , T , U , "Otisville Prison" P "47OvlTr", 41:36:29 N , 74:16:19 W , 340F , T , U , " Oval Track" P "48Plmrt", 40:47:46 N , 75:36:06 W , 899F , T , U , " Palmerton" P "49Piols", 41:51:50 N , 74:19:49 W , 1060F , ATL , 6NY7 , " Piolis 6NY7, 14/32 +26T, land west,+CAUTION activity PVT" P "50PcnMt", 41:08:14 N , 75:22:44 W , 1915F , ATL , MPO , "Pocono MountainsMPO, 05/23 +122.7, Fuel: +100LL CT22.7" P "51RndtR", 41:48:08 N , 74:25:49 W , 840F , T , U , "RondoutReservoir" P "52RxbrR", 42:17:51 N , 74:32:55 W , 1600F , ATL , 1NK0 , " Roxbury Runway 1NK0, 03/21 PVT 1NK0 03/21 75W" P "53ShWnG", 41:34:12 N , 74:24:00 W , 430F , T , SHWG , "Sha-Wan-GaValley SHWG" P "54ShlsF", 41:49:55 N , 74:07:49 W , 260F , LT , NK08 , " Sheeley's Farm NK08, RW width +40 east half, +Emergency only.+If grass/crops" P "55Skcrs", 41:42:26 N , 73:44:17 W , 698F , ATL , 44N , " Sky Acres 44N, 17/35, +122.8, Fuel: +100LL CT22.8" P "56Skytp", 41:52:26 N , 74:58:42 W , 2094F , T , U , " Skytop golf course" P "57StrFr", 42:11:33 N , 73:59:09 W , 344F , T , U , " Story Farms" P "58Sllvn", 41:42:06 N , 74:47:42 W , 1403F , ATL , MSV , " Sullivan MSV, 33/15 +122.8, Fuel: +100LL CT22.8" P "59Sussx", 41:12:00 N , 74:37:23 W , 421F , ATL , FWN , " Sussex FWN, 21/03 122.7 CT22.7 FWN 03/21 75W" P "60Wrwck", 41:17:15 N , 74:17:14 W , 540F , ATL , N72 , " Warwick N72, 08/26 +123.0, Fuel: +100LL, Grass +open and" P "61Wdstc", 42:02:30 N , 74:07:03 W , 563F , T , U , " Woodstock" P "62Mntcl", 41:37:18 N , 74:41:58 W , 1549F , T , U , "Monticello Track" P "91STNrt", 41:40:18 N , 74:24:12 W , 1394F , S , U , " STNorth North +Start/Steering" P "92STSth", 41:31:18 N , 74:30:00 W , 1256F , S , U , " STSouth South +Start/Steering" P "Adams1 ", 41:46:04 N , 75:43:24 W , 1600F , AL , PS50 , " Adams 1 PS50, 17/35 +2185 x 100 T PVT PS50" P "ArnerMm", 40:48:34 N , 75:45:41 W , 534F , AL , 22N , " Arner Memorial 22N, 123.05 +08/26, Fuel: +100LL CT23.05" P "Ashlawn", 41:37:19 N , 75:35:47 W , 1511F , AL , 3PN1 , " Ashlawn 3PN1, 15/33 +1800 x 60 T PVT 3PN1" P "AthensE", 42:17:02 N , 73:50:43 W , 145F , L , U , "Athens EmergencyGrass Outlanding 100W" P "BFlatFr", 42:08:20 N , 73:36:38 W , 800F , AL , 3NK8 , " B Flat Farm 3NK8, 18/36 PVT 3NK8 18/36 40W" P "Beltsvl", 40:50:39 N , 75:38:08 W , 899F , AL , 14N , " Beltsville 14N, 122.9, +06/24, Fuel: +100LL CT22.9" P "Bendigo", 40:33:31 N , 76:33:36 W , 791F , AL , 74N , " Bendigo 74N, 122.9 05/23 CT22.9 74N 05/23 60W" P "BlueMnt", 40:33:11 N , 76:01:43 W , 531F , AL , PA92 , " Blue Mountain PA92, 08/26 PVT PA92 08/26 100W" P "Bluebrr", 42:17:30 N , 75:04:00 W , 2100F , AL , 7NK6 , " Blueberry 7NK6, 122.8, +16/34 PVT UN22.8" P "Boden ", 41:50:48 N , 75:26:47 W , 2120F , AL , 2PA4 , " Boden 2PA4, 18/36 PVT 2PA4 18/36 100W" P "Braden ", 40:44:31 N , 75:14:35 W , 397F , AL , N43 , " Braden N43, 18/36 +123.0, Fuel: +100LL CT23.0" P "Candllg", 41:34:07 N , 73:27:42 W , 675F , AL , 11N , "CandlelightFarms11N, 122.9, +17/35 CT22.9 11N" P "Catskll", 42:16:50 N , 73:57:10 W , 190F , AL , 2NY0 , "Catskill Valley 2NY0, 02/20 PVT 2NY0 02/20 100W" P "Cavage ", 41:35:40 N , 75:21:18 W , 1400F , L , U , " Cavage 01/19 35W" P "CherrRd", 41:30:58 N , 75:15:06 W , 1357F , AL , N30 , " Cherry Ridge N30, 122.8 +18/36, Fuel: +100LL CT22.8" P "CherrVl", 40:53:47 N , 75:17:47 W , 670F , L , U , " Cherry Valley 07/25 100W" P "Cooprst", 42:37:45 N , 74:53:28 W , 1260F , AL , K23 , "CooperstwnWstvllK23, 122.8, +02/20 CT22.8 K23" P "CosklsE", 41:37:05 N , 75:31:45 W , 1710F , AL , PA53 , "Cosklos Elkview PA53, 02/20 PVT PA53 N/S 65W" P "CuatrsV", 40:39:33 N , 75:52:24 W , 500F , AL , PA25 , "Cuatros Vientos PA25, 05/23 PVT PA25 05/23 100W" P "DanbrMn", 41:22:17 N , 73:28:55 W , 457F , AL , DXR , " Danbury Muni DXR, 119.4, +08/26 CT19.4 UN22.95 +AT27.75" P "Duansbr", 42:45:35 N , 74:08:04 W , 714F , AL , 4B1 , " Duanesburg 4B1, 123.0, +10/28 CT23.0 4B1" P "Dutchss", 41:37:35 N , 73:53:02 W , 164F , AL , POU , "Dutchess County POU, 06/24, +124.0, Fuel: +100LL CT24.0 UN22.95" P "FlyingD", 41:12:54 N , 75:14:49 W , 1400F , AL , 8N4 , " Flying Dollar 8N4, 02/20, +122.9 CT22.9 8N4" P "FlyingR", 41:22:05 N , 73:17:28 W , 610F , AL , CT52 , " Flying Ridge CT52, 17/35 PVT CT52 N/S 100W" P "GapView", 40:51:33 N , 75:08:06 W , 760F , AL , 49PA , " Gap View 49PA, 10/28 PVT 49PA NW/SE 100W" P "GardnrS", 41:40:30 N , 74:08:55 W , 340F , AL , 5NY5 , "Gardiner SkydiveSkydiving, +5NY5, 122.975, +12/30, land +east on hard" P "GoodHll", 41:33:14 N , 73:15:40 W , 951F , AL , CT59 , " Good Hill Farm CT59, 17/35 PVT CT59 N/S 55W" P "GracsLn", 42:20:17 N , 74:44:57 W , 1500F , AL , NY48 , " Graces Landing NY48, 09/27 PVT NY48 09/27 100W" P "GreatBr", 42:11:03 N , 73:24:12 W , 739F , AL , GBR , "Great BarringtonGBR, 11/29, +122.8 CT22.8 GBR" P "Greenvl", 42:25:08 N , 74:00:25 W , 840F , AL , 1H4 , "GreenvilleRainbw1H4, 17/35, +122.8 CT22.8 1H4" P "Greenwd", 41:07:42 N , 74:20:48 W , 790F , AL , 4N1 , " Greenwood Lake 4N1, 06/24 +122.9, Fuel: +100LL CT22.9" P "Grimes ", 40:29:05 N , 76:15:49 W , 582F , AL , 8N1 , " Grimes 8N1, 122.8, +11/29 CT22.8 8N1" P "Hazeltn", 40:59:12 N , 75:59:42 W , 1603F , AL , HZL , " Hazelton HZL, 123.0 +10/28, Fuel: +100LL CT23.0" P "HillTop", 41:04:59 N , 74:20:18 W , 921F , AL , JY43 , " Hill Top JY43, 09/27, +Land 09 Uphill PVT JY43" P "InThWds", 42:00:59 N , 74:02:56 W , 500F , AL , 18NY , " In The Woods 18NY, 05/23 PVT 18NY 05/23 40W" P "KlinKll", 42:21:00 N , 73:38:13 W , 380F , AL , NY1 , " Kline Kill NY1, 01/19, +122.9 CT22.9 NY1" P "LazyJ ", 41:17:44 N , 75:35:52 W , 1650F , L , PS82 , " Lazy J PS82, 02/20 PS82 02/20 100W" P "Maben ", 42:16:20 N , 74:23:38 W , 1800F , L , U , " Maben 03/21 122.8, +Caution: Land +03 uphill, +possible" P "Markle ", 40:46:25 N , 75:09:37 W , 320F , AL , 2NJ6 , " Markle 2NJ6, 07/25 PVT 2NJ6 E/W 65W" P "Mason ", 42:19:30 N , 74:59:09 W , 2170F , AL , 9NY6 , " Mason 9NY6, 16/34 PVT 9NY6 16/34 65W" P "MountnT", 42:29:14 N , 74:46:49 W , 1960F , AL , NY02 , " Mountain Top NY02, 06/24 PVT UN22.8 NY02" P "NettsPl", 42:42:36 N , 74:13:25 W , 1330F , AL , NK83 , " Netties Place NK83, 09/27 PVT NK83 09/27 100W" P "NorthCn", 42:02:43 N , 73:20:19 W , 658F , AL , CT24 , " North Canaan CT42, 03/21 PVT CT24 03/21 75W" P "NorthFr", 42:16:08 N , 75:33:26 W , 1455F , AL , 8NY3 , " North Fork 8NY3, 10/28, +Land 28 Uphill PVT 8NY3" P "OldOrch", 41:39:26 N , 74:04:37 W , 660F , AL , 2NK9 , " Old Orchard 2NK9, 18/36 PVT CT22.9 2NK9" P "OldRhnb", 41:58:17 N , 73:51:46 W , 323F , AL , NY94 , " Old Rhinebeck NY94, 01/19, +Caution: +Weekend Airshows PVT" P "OneontM", 42:31:29 N , 75:03:52 W , 1763F , AL , N66 , " Oneonta Muni N66, 06/24, +122.8 CT22.8 N66" P "Orson ", 41:50:32 N , 75:26:11 W , 2100F , AL , 2PA4 , " Orson 7PA4, 03/21 PVT 2PA4 18/36 45W" P "Pegasus", 40:56:00 N , 75:20:59 W , 620F , AL , 50PA , " Pegasus 50PA, 122.7, +09/27 PVT UN22.7" P "Schulkl", 40:42:23 N , 76:22:23 W , 1729F , AL , ZER , "SchuylkillCountyZER, 123.075 +04/22, Fuel: +100LL, Optional+paved RW" P "SeamnsF", 41:35:22 N , 75:45:22 W , 1209F , AL , 9N3 , " Seamens Field 9N3, 122.7, +04/22, Fuel: +100LL CT22.7" P "Sharon ", 42:46:42 N , 74:34:40 W , 1508F , AL , K31 , " Sharon K31, 122.8, +13/31 CT22.8 K31" P "SidnMnc", 42:18:09 N , 75:24:57 W , 1027F , AL , N23 , "Sidney MunicipalN23, 122.8, 7/25 CT22.8 N23 07/25 75W" P "Skyhavn", 41:31:45 N , 75:56:49 W , 639F , AL , 76N , " Skyhaven 76N, 122.8 +01/19 2007 x 50+A CT22.8" P "Slatngt", 40:45:52 N , 75:36:17 W , 380F , AL , 69N , " Slatington 69N, 122.8 +01/19, Fuel: +100LL CT22.8" P "Somerst", 40:37:33 N , 74:40:13 W , 105F , AL , SMQ , " Somerset SMQ, 12/30 +123.0, Fuel: +100LL CT23.0" P "SouthAl", 42:33:38 N , 73:50:03 W , 196F , AL , 4B0 , " South Albany 4B0, 122.9, +01/19 CT22.9 4B0" P "SpringH", 41:20:50 N , 75:24:57 W , 1729F , AL , 70N , " Spring Hill 70N, 05/23, +122.9, Fuel: +100LL CT22.9" P "StahlsM", 41:44:52 N , 75:29:51 W , 1950F , AL , 3PN7 , "Stahls Mountain 3PN7, 02/20 PVT 3PN7 02/20 80W" P "StewrtI", 41:30:14 N , 74:06:17 W , 491F , AL , SWF , " Stewart Int. SWF, 09/27 +121.0, Fuel: +100LL TW21.0 UN22.95" P "StrizkU", 41:41:41 N , 75:35:43 W , 1260F , L , PA19 , "StrizkiUltralght PA19, 18/36 PVT PA19 04/22 55W" P "Strodsb", 41:02:09 N , 75:09:38 W , 480F , AL , N53 , " Stroudsburg N53, 123.0, +08/26, Fuel: +100LL CT23.0" P "Tomahwk", 42:23:53 N , 74:54:14 W , 2380F , AL , 5NY1 , " Tomahawk Hills 5NY1, 15/33 PVT 5NY1 15/33 75W" P "Tyler ", 41:49:12 N , 75:41:56 W , 1401F , AL , 6PS8 , " Tyler 6PS8, 02/20 PVT 6PS8 02/20 100W" P "Walton ", 42:09:28 N , 75:08:53 W , 1200F , L , U , " Walton Possible +outlanding, +status unknown" P "Waterbr", 41:28:45 N , 73:08:07 W , 726F , AL , OXC , "Waterbury OxfordOXC, 118.475, +18/36 CT18.475 +UN22.95 AT32.975" P "WaynDlp", 42:23:40 N , 73:52:08 W , 800F , AL , 33NY , " Wayne Delp 33NY, 17/35 PVT 33NY 17/35 100W" P "WeissFr", 40:55:06 N , 74:51:39 W , 532F , AL , JY24 , " Weiss Farm JY24, 05/23 PVT JY24 06/24 100W" P "Westerl", 42:31:20 N , 74:01:43 W , 1400F , L , U , " Westerlo 03/21, Caution:+RW X'ed out 122.8 50W" P "WhelnFr", 41:39:58 N , 73:11:20 W , 1020F , AL , CT01 , " Whelan Farms CT01, 01/19 PVT UN22.725 CT01" P "WhitBrc", 42:03:03 N , 75:18:59 W , 1860F , AL , NK68 , " White Birch NK68, 122.8, +17/35 PVT UN22.8" P "WilksB1", 41:17:49 N , 75:51:04 W , 543F , AL , WBW , " Wilkes Barre WBW, 122.8 +07/25, Fuel: +100LL CT22.8" P "WilksB2", 41:20:25 N , 75:43:18 W , 962F , AL , AVP , "WlksBrrScrntnnt.AVP, 120.1, +04/22, Fuel: +100LL TW20.1 UN22.95" P "WingsAg", 41:51:15 N , 73:16:33 W , 1585F , AL , CT42 , " Wings Ago CT42, 18/36 PVT CT42 18/36 40W"